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Programmering i Python: grundläggande och förberedande kurs

Kurs 5 högskolepoäng


Master the basics of the Python programming language with this foundational course. Python is quickly becoming the language of choice in modern programming, particularly for use with AI & Machine learning models. As a student in this course, you will quickly uncover why Python is a language that is both accessible to beginners and a favourite tool of experts.

By the end of this course, you should be able to understand the basics of programming and be able to write small to medium sized programs in Python. You will be well-placed to take other similar and more advanced courses, such as courses in object orientation and scientific computing. 

Why choose this course?

This course aims to demystify the art of coding, making it understandable and achievable for everyone. Here is what you can expect:

•   Master the basics: learn the fundamentals of imperative programming.

•   Demystify coding: learning what coding is and is not, and how it differs from other structured information.

•   Unlock algorithms: explore the secrets of fundamental algorithms, such as search.

•   Make sense of data structures: learn to navigate arrays and matrices and understand their significance in managing and organising information.

•   Learn crucial debugging skills: dive into the art of identifying and fixing coding errors, a skill every competent programmer needs.

•   Gain hands-on experience: get the chance to apply what you learn in context.

•   Study online: work on your own terms, totally online.

The course is composed of a seminar and lab series that runs for five weeks. This series is being repeated four times during the semester, which means that admitted students will be able to select and follow one specific series. During the series, the studies are considered 50% of full-time.

Upon admission to the course, students will be able to choose one of the following periods to take the course:

  • Monday 09 Sep to Sunday 27 Oct
  • Monday 30 Sep to Sunday 17 Nov
  • Monday 21 Oct to Sunday 08 Dec
  • Monday 11 Nov to Sunday 12 Jan (with two-week Christmas break)

This foundational course is the first in a three-part series given in collaboration with Uppsala University and Umeå University. Students who pass this course will be eligible to continue to the next course given online by Uppsala University, titled: Programming in Python: Working with Shared Libraries, 5 hp, followed by Programming in Python: Code Quality and Best Practices, 5 hp, given online by Umeå University. All courses will be taught in English.

Please note: If you are interested in taking both this course and the second course in the series, Programming in Python: Working with Shared Libraries, in the same academic term, you’ll need to apply for them both at the same time on antagning.se.

Whether you're stepping into the world of programming for the first time or looking to strengthen your coding foundations, this course has been designed to empower you with these essential Python skills.

Öppnas för anmälan

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E-post: studierektor [at] cs [dot] lth [dot] se

Behörighet & urval


Grundläggande behörighet


Platserna fördelas enligt följande: Betyg 34%, Högskoleprov 34% och antal tidigare högskolepoäng vid sista anmälningsdag (upp till 165) 32%. Vid lika meritvärde görs urval på högskoleprovet. Om det också är lika görs urval med lottning.

Anmälan & antagning

Ditt utbildningstillfälle från antagning.se

Blandad undervisningstid Lund, deltid 50%

På engelska, distansutbildning

Inga obligatoriska träffar


15 januari 2024 - 2 juni 2024


Stängd för anmälan

UrvalsgrupperVT 2024
Gymnasiebetyg utan komplettering (BI)22,19
Gymnasiebetyg med komplettering (BII)21,72
Folkhögskolebetyg (BF)4,00
Högskoleprovet (HP)1,45

Totalt antal antagna

Vårterminen 2024 - 84 st

- (streck) = ingen antagen i gruppen
* (stjärna) = alla antagna i gruppen

Tabellen visar lägsta meritkrav/poäng på högskoleprovet som krävdes för aktuell termin. Siffrorna varierar beroende på bland annat antal sökande och antal platser. Läs mer om antagningspoäng.

Start Höstterminen 2024

Blandad undervisningstid Lund, deltid 50%

På engelska, distansutbildning

Inga obligatoriska träffar


2 september 2024 - 19 januari 2025


Stängd för anmälan

Start Vårterminen 2025

Blandad undervisningstid Lund, deltid 50%

På engelska, distansutbildning

Inga obligatoriska träffar


20 januari 2025 - 8 juni 2025


Öppnas för anmälningar 2024-09-16

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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES

Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs vidare på https://antagning.se/sv/studier-pa-hogskoleniva/anmalnings--och-studieavgifter/

Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Programmering i Python: grundläggande och förberedande kurs är 14 167 SEK.