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The Conquering Heart - Exploring allegorical short-cuts in Conrad's Heart of Darkness


  • Matz Hammarström

Summary, in English

The aim of the essay is to gain a deeper understanding of Joseph Conrad's novella Heart of Darkness, through exploring a number of its allegorical short-cuts: the sepulchral city, the Company's offices, the knitters of black wool, the grove of death, and Kurtz' sketch in oil. The analysis of these short-cuts, aided by the gist of some of Conrad's letters to Cunninghame Graham, yields important clues to the understanding of Heart of Darkness as a whole, and its underlying conflict between Man and Nature, as well as to the understanding of specific elements of the story such as the significance of Kurtz' Intended and Marlow's final lie.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • Conrad, Joseph
  • Heart of Darkness
  • Darras, Jaques
  • Allegorical short-cuts
  • Nature versus Man
  • Kurtz
  • Marlow
  • English language and literature
  • Engelska (språk och litteratur)


  • Annika Hill