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Låneord i japanska språket

En studie av låneord från annonser i modemagasin


  • Erik Wennberg

Summary, in English

Fashion magazines in Japan are targeting a younger audience, students and employed people in their 20s and 30s. The readers are interested in new ideas, the surrounding world and most of all its products. In these magazines it should be possible to find many loan words for new concepts or loan words used for giving an image of quality, taste and exoticism.
This survey points out which loan words that are most common in advertisements in Japanese fashion magazines and shows how these loan words fill a function as replacements for words that are missing in the Japanese language or to communicate a special effect to the reader that the corresponding Japanese word won´t provide. The survey also finds out which loan words that are frequently used in magazines targeting female readers and which loan words that are frequently used in magazines targeting male readers. The result shows that between magazines for women and men there are significant discrepancies in which loan words that are frequently used and the survey clarifies that this fact depends on our opinion of what is important in life for females and males.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • frequent
  • loan word
  • lexical gap
  • Japanese
  • special effect
  • lånord
  • advertisement
  • magazine
  • japanska


  • Lars Larm