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I jakt på en metod - från lineärt till icke-lineärt skrivande


  • Christina Jacobson

Summary, in English

From linear to non-linear writing, this paper is an attempt to map out the writing process by looking at the way that a number of published authors work as they compose their stories. It is also a look into the development of my own writing process as I have moved from writing linearly – from beginning to end – to a non-linear fashion – of writing scenes out of order – during my three years at Författarskolan, Lunds University. This paper not only tries to depict the hows, but also the whys, trying to close in on the reason why a specific writer works in his or her chosen fashion.







Examensarbete för magisterexamen (Ett år)


  • Languages and Literatures


  • skrivmetod
  • icke-lineär
  • lineär
  • Litterärt skapande
  • Författarskolan
  • skrivprocess
  • lineärt skrivande
  • icke-lineärt skrivande


  • Björn Larsson (Professor)