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La Diada de Catalunya 2012 : En produkt av Het Nationalism eller Banal Katalanism?


  • Linn Andersson

Summary, in English

Catalonia is a nation with it's own language, its own culture, own policy and own history it is said. A non-independent nation that is living it's ordinary life flagging its banal symbols as if it al ready was an independent state. Some catalanistas assert that this kind of weirdness could be the death row for Catalonia and its future as in independent nation of its own. They state that it is only through an implementation of ”hot” nationalism, not banal, that independence is accomplished. La Diada 2012 – the national day of Catalonia was a day when around 1.000.000 protesters walked the streets of Barcelona waiving the Catalan flag, shouting phrases with one clear message, independence. A complexity between banal and hot nationalism was demonstrated this day. However, through the banal symbols present at La Diada 2012, Catalonia showed it is not Spain, and through this a hot movement arose to fight to find an escape from Spain. Previous years La Diada may have been hot but 2012 was the year when banal catalanism once again became “hot” Catalan Nationalism.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Cultural Sciences
  • Social Sciences


  • European Union
  • självständighet
  • kris
  • Spanien
  • Artur Más
  • CiU
  • Katalonien
  • La Diada de Catalunya
  • banal nationalism
  • het nationalism
  • katalanism


  • Barbara Törnquist-Plewa