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Läsning och skolbibliotek - om elevers läsvanor och skolbibliotekets roll


  • Kerstin Nilsson

Summary, in English

In my paper, I wanted to highlight the school libraries and its importance. Has conducted an empirical study of students grades 6-9 Bokelund School, Sölvesborg to examine how students use the school library and how much they are using and staying in the school library. Also examined how students see the school library. Also examined their reading habits and the school library aroused their interest in reading. I have used various literature, books, magazines, past papers and articles.
The purpose of my work has been to get answers to students' recreational reading, how they use the school library, their choice of literature and if there is any difference between the sexes. What I also wanted to answer was: How can we as school librarians get students to read more books?






Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Languages and Literatures


  • elevers läsvanor
  • Läsning
  • skolbibliotek
  • litteratur


  • Paul Tenngart (PhD)