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Sydtyrolsk separatism i kölvattnet av finanskrisen


  • Frida Karlsson

Summary, in English

Separatist movements are gaining ground around Europe. From south to north regional separatist movements are raising their voices. The goals of each unique movement vary, from calls for increased autonomy to demands for full independence. In Italy’s autonomous province South Tyrol the question of separatism is something that engages all of the ethnical South Tyrolean parties. The parties included in this research are SVP, Die Freiheitlichen, Süd-Tiroler Freiheit and Bürger Union für Tirol. As a result of the financial crisis separatist thoughts has reached out to a broader audience and the support for the parties with more radical separatist goals has grown. My bachelor thesis aims to examine the different standpoints the parties have. In addressing this question this thesis proceeds with a qualitative method applied on both interviews with active party members and analysis of each party’s policy statements when a different point of view is presented than in the spoken word. My method has a thematic text analysis at its base and is also inspired by comparison analysis. I came to the conclusion that the different parties spoke with a separatist voice that was far from univalent; none of the parties had the same goals or ideas.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Social Sciences


  • Sydtyrolen
  • separatism
  • identitet
  • EU:s regionalpolitik
  • tematisk textanalys


  • Mattias Nowak