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Russia and the Kosovar declaration of independence : a study of Russian newspaper articles concerning Kosovo


  • Madeleine Lerup

Summary, in English

This essay investigates the Russian position towards Kosovo’s declaration of independence. Russia chose not to recognize Kosovo and I try to examine why by reading articles in three Russian newspapers. I examine the articles by using three different theoretical approaches, inspired by previous research and scientific literature in this field. These approaches consist of the ideas that the Russian hesitation is due to close historical bonds to Serbia, or a Russian fear of separatism, or geopolitical conflicts between Russia and the West.
Using these approaches, I read through my selection of articles and discovered that the Russian hesitation towards Kosovo’s independence can be explained by all of these approaches and that the three different newspapers, albeit for different reasons, all maintain a negative stance towards the Kosovar independence. I also discovered that the method used in the newspaper articles to increase support for Serbia and against Kosovo, is to bestow upon the Albanians the role of the scapegoat and present Serbs as victims.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Social Sciences


  • Russian media
  • Serbia
  • Russia
  • Kosovo
  • content analysis
  • Ryssland
  • Serbien


  • Magdalena Gora