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Platsmarknadsföringen av Andalusien : en studie om det moriska arvets betydelse i platsmarknadsföringen av Andalusien


  • Johannes Pomahazi

Summary, in English

When the Muslim armies for the first time crossed the Strait of Gibraltar in 711 a prospering epoch of Moorish culture and science started in Southern Spain. In today´s Southern region of Spain, Andalucia, there are still to find impressive Moorish buildings and the Muslim-Andalusian spirit is still present generating emotional and religious impulses. This bachelor thesis in European Studies with humanistic profile investigates the importance of this Moorish heritage in the place branding of Andalusia. The theory used is the place branding theory which means places by marketing are constructing a unique image to attract the international public. The research method used is a visual video analysis of three promotional videos from Sevilla, Granada and Córdoba, with the objective to identify the Moorish heritage and how it is elaborated in the videos in the making of an Andalusian place identity. The result showed the Moorish heritage being used and elaborated in the videos, although it was not really to the big extent as expected, which was my hypothesis. The main conclusion reached is that the Moorish heritage is not the only thing showed since it would only attract a certain type of public. Andalusia is also a region with beautiful nature and a big vary of attractions which has to be presented to the world to reach a wide international public to appeal as many as possible.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Social Sciences


  • the Moorish heritage
  • place brand
  • place identity
  • videoanalysis
  • Andalusien
  • det moriska arvet
  • videoanalys
  • platsmarknadsföring
  • platsidentiet
  • Andalusia


  • Jan Schwarz