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Syntaxen hos restriktiva och icke-restriktiva relativer : en minimalistisk analys av som-relativkonstruktioner med utgångspunkt i svenskan


  • Magnus Ericsson Thulin

Summary, in English

In this paper, I discuss the structure of restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses based on Swe-dish data. The proposed analysis suggests that the non-restrictive relative clauses is an adjunct ad-joined to DP and that the restrictive relative clause is an argument of D, merged in Spec-DP. In my analysis, I assume a non-valued definiteness feature marked EPP in D that must be matched by a corresponding definiteness feature. In the non-restrictive construction, D finds its corresponding feature within the relative head; i.e. the suffixed article. In the restrictive construction, on the other hand, D must be matched against an element in the relative clause. This matching operation seems to be the underlying grammar that carries the semantics of the restrictive construction.






Examensarbete för magisterexamen (Ett år)


  • Languages and Literatures


  • promoveringsanalys
  • DP
  • syntax
  • relativsatser
  • standardanalys av relativsatser
  • satsargument
  • satsadjungeringar


  • Gunlög Josefsson (professor)