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Stop the Trucks : en kvalitativ analys av kampanjen om transport av slaktdjur i EU


  • Sofie Persson

Summary, in English

The aim of this study is to do a qualitative research on the campaign Stop the Trucks. My methods include visual analysis of the campaign film and website, text analysis of the press release and interviews with three animal welfare organizations that were all part of the campaign. I will use a social constructionist perspective to depict how our moral view of non-human animals is socially constructed and how this conception can change through time.
In this study I will answer three questions: which conceptions of animals and their well-being can be found in the campaign? Does the campaign put pressure on the commission for changes and which visions of animal welfare are expressed by the campaign’s creator? How do the three interviewed organisations, that were all part of the campaign, contemplate themselves in making a change for better animal welfare?
The main conclusions of the study are that the campaign aimed to awake sympathy in the viewer and to pressure the commission for a legislative improvement, moreover the implementation of the already existing laws.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Agriculture and Food Sciences


  • lobbyism
  • animal welfare
  • European Union
  • EU
  • animal transport
  • social constructivism


  • Agnes Malmgren