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Integrationsbefrämjande projekt med fokus på nyanlända – Från regional till lokal nivå : En kvalitativ studie av bibliotekverksamhet utifrån interkulturellt perspektiv


  • Stina Lindgren

Summary, in English

Culture has importance for promoting sustainable social development, integration and for broadening people's perspectives. Thus, both cultural institutions and organizations can be seen as hubs or arenas, where for example an exchange of knowledge takes place, that can give rise to increased tolerance for people’s differences. In Scania the regional cultural department, Kultur Skåne, plays a significant role in putting the cultural questions on the agenda, as well as demonstrating its power for increased social community and integration. This study examines one of the working areas that Kultur Skåne promotes, the area of library development and activities.The purpose of this qualitative study has been to investigate how Kultur Skåne supports integration-promoting projects with a focus on library activity and refugees. The aim has also been to seek knowledge about how projects are operationalized on local level, and analyze whether they can be interpreted from an intercultural perspective. My result shows that Kultur Skåne acknowledges libraries as important arenas for integration of refugees for example through its financial support for projects. Furthermore the local projects examined in this study can be studied from a intercultural viewpoint, as both project highlights that their activities have resulted in mutual respect and interaction.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Cultural Sciences
  • Social Sciences


  • integration
  • refugees
  • library activity
  • Europastudier
  • European Studies


  • Mattias Nowak