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”Det ska löna sig att vara miljövänlig och kosta med miljöförstöring.”


  • Anton Fjelkman

Summary, in English

In recent years there has been a major change in environmental policy areas, especially when the EU has invested substantial resources in the environmental as well the energy sector. This paper analyzes one of the actors, Fredrick Federley and The Swedish Center Party, who worked on the issue between 2014-2018.

To see how the rhetoric has elapsed as well as examine the environmental and energy policy ideas expressed by Federley as a European member of parliament and the Center Party, the paper follows an empirical, inductive, and qualitative methodology, such as rhetoric and idea analysis. The analysis is based on the environmental ideas of the anthropocene and the ecocentric. An understanding of the Center Party's environmental ideological position as anthropocentric and ecological modernist, as well as other environmental ideologies, is of great importance. In order to gain a full understanding of the theory, one should also address different influencing factors such as that the analyzed statements and articles may differ due to time and case.

The analysis indicates that Federley tends to end up on the anthropocentric side of the environmental ideological spectrum. Nuances of social ecology is also present.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Law and Political Science


  • Centerpartiet
  • Europaparlamentet
  • miljö- och energipolitik
  • utsläppsmål
  • hållbar utveckling
  • Europastudier
  • EU


  • Agnes Malmgren