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"Det fanns självklart också kvinnliga filmskapare vid denna tid" - Om kanonbildning inom svensk filmvetenskap vid Lunds universitet och Stockholms universitet


  • Norah Jonsson

Summary, in English

This essay aims to discuss equality in the film selection screened in Undergraduate Film Studies at Lunds University and Stockholm University. As there is a consensus within canon formation studies that film canons hegemonically premier white men of American and European decent, there was reason to analyze if this could be found within these academic film institutions. The films screened during the Autumn semester of 2017 and Spring semester of 2018 were sampled to calculate the percentages of men, women, and various nationalities represented. While examining and comparing films the films screened, both universities strongly favoured films directed by, and featuring white men. Whilst this result is consistent, differences between the universities were found, with Lund University reaching lower levels of inclusion than Stockholm University. The information was compared to the institutions’ respective syllabus, which showed discrepancies. Similar goals of inclusion were found in the syllabus at both universities, but the syllabi overall offered more of an inclusive discourse than both institutions’ film screenings reflected. Although neither institutions set out to be bias towards films created by, and consisting of white men, there were clear tendencies in inequality to discuss. Further research regarding equity in films screened at Lund University and Stockholm University is encouraged, as well as the encouragement of professors to reflect upon their choices of films shown during classes, as the choices contribute to the overall canon formation - as what is created institutionally, spreads beyond.







Examensarbete för kandidatexamen


  • Cultural Sciences


  • Film studies
  • Canon formation
  • Lund University
  • Stockholm University
  • film screenings
  • syllabus


  • Emil Stjernholm