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The EU way or the Huawei : A comparative study of the values projected onto Europe’s 5G network by the Chinese Communist Party and the European Union


  • Erik Alendal

Summary, in English

Title: The EU Way, or the Huawei? A comparative study of the values projected onto Europe’s 5G network by the Chinese Communist Party and the European Union.
The purpose of this investigation is to look closer on the value-tension between the European Union and the Chinese Communist Party regarding which values are present in the official policies of these entities and how these values are projected on the new digital transition towards 5G.
Empirical foundation: The primary material which has been used is firstly Communique of the Current Situation Regarding the Ideological Area, also known as Document No. 9, produced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2012. Document No. 9 contains seven “false ideological trends” accompanied by four recommendations, which the CCP-elite were no longer allowed to support. The second primary material used is the document A New Industrial Strategy for Europe produced in 2020, that outlines EU’s new industrial strategy.
Theoretical framework: For the purpose of the investigation of this thesis two different theories which highlight the dichotomy between Europe and China in terms of what values are advocated and how these values are viewed have been selected. The first theory, provided by Karl-Heinz Pohl, describes a dichotomy where Europe and the European Union believes in universal values whereas China believes in particularistic values. The second theory, provided by Uwe Wissenbach, describes values as an issue of Human Rights for Europe and as an issue of sovereignty for China.
Methodology: The method used is Idea Analysis which is broadly applied with three main purposes: to describe, explain and take position. For the purpose of enabling a fair categorization of the two selected documents forming the empirical foundation of this thesis, three different Ideal Types have been constructed: Values as expressed in relation to the world, to society and lastly to governance. The outcome of the comparison of each corresponding Ideal Type will highlight the contrasting antagonistic values expressed in the two selected primary materials.
Conclusion: There are two conclusions to draw from this thesis. The first being that the definitive goal for the EU is to become Strategically Autonomous in the 5G area and for the CCP it is to improve its internet management through the 5G network. The second conclusion is that particularistic values have been projected onto the 5G network by the CCP as the CCP view 5G as an issue of sovereignty, while the EU have projected universal values onto the 5G network. This is a result of the EU viewing 5G as a Human Rights issue or that the EU will view it as a Human Rights issue when value conflict arises as a consequence of the projected CCP values.







Examensarbete för masterexamen (Två år)


  • Social Sciences


  • European Union
  • EU
  • Huawei
  • 5G
  • values
  • comparative study
  • Idea analysis
  • Document No. 9
  • A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
  • Universalistic vs Particularistic values
  • Human Rights vs Sovereignty
  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
  • The Digital Silk Road (DSR).


  • Sanimir Resic (Associate Professor)