DANIELE DI GIROLAMO: Why control everything? / INTONAL 2025

Why control everything? 2020, Live set
Every single sound in these tracks originates from field recordings I made on-site during the Hong Kong protests while living there for three months (September to November 2019). Some sounds remain easily recognizable, while others have been heavily processed–transformed into something resembling synths, percussion, or even melodic singing. I composed these tracks not so much as an act of political activism, but as a reflection of my emotional experience within the landscape of the Hong Kong protests.
Daniele Di Girolamo is a multidisciplinary artist born in Pescara in 1995. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and the Malmö Art Academy. He creates kinetic and sound sculptures and installations that engage with their environment, allowing meaning to evolve through time and perception. He also explores sound performance as a parallel practice. His work draws on natural and physical phenomena that reflect emotional experiences like memory, faith, and the human need for connection.
Recent performances and exhibitions include: Lime, live at Planetario, Rome; Misure di una Distanza, solo show at Spazio Supernova, Rome (2024); Materia Sonora, group show at IIC Madrid (2024); Beautiful Things Fading Away, solo show at KHM2, Malmö (2023).
Visit Daniele Di Girolamo’s artist page – danieledigirolamo.com
Om evenemanget
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö (Black Room)
Gratis inträde
sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se