Nesting as a Sustainable Method of Listening - a workshop

We welcome you to a contemplative workshop where you will have the chance to explore sustainable artistic methods. We will create a large nest together and from this place of comfort and community dive into a mode of deep listening.
This workshop on listening and nesting explores sustainable artistic methods recycled from the eco camp ALL MY RELATIONS (2022-24).
The body is able to listen as a mode of heightened attention and awareness. From this mutual outset we experiment with nesting by collecting materials, organising them and forming a nest. The nest forms a site for taking care of the body and other living beings and is a place for nurturing future generations.
The artist researchers Sofie Lebech and Tanja Diers from Malmö Theater Academy will guide the workshop.
We meet on the stairs in front of The University Library at 1 pm and the whole workshop will take place outside. In case of really challenging weather we will relocate to an indoor space. The workshop ends at 2 pm.
The workshop will require active participation: listening, walking, collecting and sitting. We will stay silent for a part of the workshop. We welcome everybody.
Registration before May 5th to: sofie [dot] lebech [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se
The event is part of Sustainability Week 2025, which runs between 5-10 May. Sustainability Week is an annual event in Lund organised as a joint venture by Lund University and Lund municipality. The week serves as a platform for bringing together ideas, raising public awareness and for inspiring sustainable change.
Om evenemanget
The University Library stairs, Helgonavägen 2, 223 62 Lund, Sverige
In English
sofie [dot] lebech [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se