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Europastudier med humanistisk profil - Masterprogram

Program 120 högskolepoäng · 2 år · Masterexamen


Embark on an academic journey exploring European political history, identity construction, transnational communication and cultural conflicts. Gain insights into European Union institutions, governance, culture and communication policies, and develop practical skills in project management and communication.

A unique humanist profile
The programme's primary goal is to provide a focus on the humanities in the field of European studies, which is a perspective unique to Lund University. The programme specifically targets those who are interested in understanding Europe from a broader, cultural point of view, and who want to apply this perspective in careers related to European cultural politics, identity formation, and Europe-wide communication.

Analysing identity, communication and values
The programme has a strong scientific and theoretical orientation, providing students with theories, methods, and skills for the conceptualization and analysis of issues of particular interest in the context of contemporary European developments, such as the social and cultural construction of identities on multiple levels (local, regional, national, European), the growth of a transnational public sphere of communication, the cultural conflicts brought on by growing mobility through migration, travel, and business, and the normative interplay between values that include religious tolerance and freedom of speech.

As a student on this programme, you will learn to:

  • understand notions of European culture and history as well as collective identity dynamics,
  • master the important features of European Union institutions and governance,
  • focus on the European Union’s culture and communication policies and their related areas,
  • develop project management and communication skills.

Programme structure

The cultural history of Europe
The program begins by presenting Europe in its historical, cultural, and normative aspects, such as the impact of Christianity, the development of the idea of the nation state, the intellectual currents of enlightenment, humanism, and individualism, the importance of civic rights, and the values of freedom of speech, tolerance, and equality.

European politics and institutions
During the second semester the students will get a deeper understanding of the political institutions and processes at the foundation of the European project and their current function. After a course on the various theories and methods that underpin a humanities approach to European studies, the students focus on practical skills in a project management course. During the third semester there is the possibility to further deepen these practical skills by doing an internship.

The master's thesis
The accumulated knowledge and experience of the students will be reflected in the final stage of the program, the writing of a master's thesis.

Career prospects

Our programme proposes a practical approach to prepare students for future employment by introducing concepts and skills of project management, through a specially designed course, targeting the interaction with European institutions. Students will also have the opportunity to go on internships and thereby gain contacts that can lead to future employment.

European Studies will prepare you for a wide range of careers, not only in Sweden, but also Europe and beyond. You will leave the programme with excellent skills in analytical thinking, project management and presentation, in addition to your in-depth knowledge of European countries and EU institutions. Graduates have found work in European institutions (local, regional and supranational), in private companies, as well as in think-tanks. Possible career opportunities include project management in institutions dealing with European culture and communication, analysis and consultancy in publishing, translation and media businesses directed to a European audience and dealing with cross-cultural communication. Some of our graduates choose an academic career path by pursuing doctoral studies.

Stängd för anmälan

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Helgonabacken 12, 223 62 Lund

Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Susan Hydén


susan [dot] hyden [at] sol [dot] lu [dot] se

Behörighet & urval


Kandidatexamen inom humaniora eller samhällsvetenskap, eller motsvarande kunskaper. Den sökandes förmåga att tillgodogöra sig utbildningen är det främsta, överordnade kriteriet för antagning.


Baserat på betyg, avsiktsförklaring och 2 rekommendationsbrev.

Anmälan & antagning

Start Höstterminen 2025

Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%

På engelska


1 september 2025 - 6 juni 2027


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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES

Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs vidare på https://antagning.se/sv/studier-pa-hogskoleniva/anmalnings--och-studieavgifter/

Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Europastudier med humanistisk profil - Masterprogram är 250 000 SEK.

Viktig information till dig som ska söka ett program på avancerad nivå (master eller magister)

När du söker till ett masterprogram kan det finnas särskilda instruktioner eller extra dokument som ska skickas in med ansökan. För att vara säker på att din ansökan blir komplett, vill vi att du även läser den mer specifika ansökningsinformationen på programsidan på vår internationella webbplats. Det är till exempel vanligt att du ombeds skicka in ett statement of purpose, ett CV eller ett rekommendationsbrev.
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