Språk och språkvetenskap, Klassiska språk - Masterprogram
Program 120 högskolepoäng · 2 år · Masterexamen
Lund University offers advanced studies in languages and linguistics at Master’s level. Choose between several different specializations which focus on specific languages or on more overarching linguistic topics. The Centre for Languages and Literature can also give the students access to the most modern resources for research and education.
The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language.
Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not all specializations and subject areas are offered every year. For the intake in 2024, the following options are available: Classical Language, Greek (Ancient and Byzantine Greek) or Latin; Cognitive Semiotics; English linguistics; Linguistics: General Linguistics or Phonetics; Modern Languages, French, Italian, Japanese or Modern Greek; Swedish/Scandinavian Languages and Swedish as a Second Language.
Classical Languages – Ancient and Byzantine Greek or Latin
Choose one of the subjects Greek or Latin in the next step of your application.
Students in Greek follow the development of the Greek language and Greek literature from antiquity to the Middle Ages. The programme involves both the study of texts from various epochs and of the influence exercised by Greek on other languages and on the Medieval and modern culture of Europe. Further, Humanist Greek texts will be studied.
Program structure
The programme consists of compulsory courses common to all specializations, compulsory courses for each subject area, and elective courses. The languages of instruction are English and the language corresponding to the field of your specialization. The many specializations and subjects help to provide a broad selection of advanced courses in languages and in linguistics. The final degree project consists of a thesis in language and linguistics that constitutes in-depth study in the chosen subject area.
The academic year is split into two semesters. Each semester is divided into (usually two or four) courses which are all examined separately. Subject specialization courses and elective courses are offered on a rolling basis.
- Semester 1: Philosophy of Science for Linguists 7.5 credits, compulsory subject specialization courses or elective courses 22.5 credits
- Semester 2: Methods in Linguistics 7.5 credits, compulsory subject specialization courses or elective courses 22.5 credits.
- Semester 3: Compulsory subject specialization courses or elective courses 30 credits
- Semester 4: Degree Project – Master's (Two Years) Thesis, 30 credits
About the prerequisites
Make sure you understand and fulfil the general requirements, as well as the additional requirements for each specialization and subject area. This programme presupposes a solid foundation in language and linguistics. The requirement ”Bachelor’s thesis, or other equivalent academic work, relevant to the chosen specialization” implies that you must have academic work in English linguistics when applying for English, in Greek, when applying for Greek and so forth.
When applying for the MA in Language and Linguistics, you must also submit a Summary sheet which includes a Statement of Purpose. See under "Programme-specific documents".
Career prospects
The programme prepares students for a future career where competency in language is essential. It also provides you with the academic background you need in order to apply for PhD studies in languages and linguistics throughout Europe and beyond.
Öppnas för anmälan
E-post: masterlanguage [at] sol [dot] lu [dot] se
Behörighet & urval
- Kandidatexamen med huvudområde i det valda ämnet
- Minst 90 högskolepoäng i det valda språket
- Kandidatuppsats, eller annat motsvarande akademiskt arbete, som är relevant för det sökta ämnet
- Engelska 6/B.
Anmälan & antagning
Start Höstterminen 2025
Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%
På engelska
1 september 2025 - 6 juni 2027
Stängd för anmälan
Dagtid Lund, heltid 100%
På engelska
1 september 2025 - 6 juni 2027
Öppnas för anmälningar 2025-03-17
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Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES
Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs vidare på https://antagning.se/sv/studier-pa-hogskoleniva/anmalnings--och-studieavgifter/
Anmälningsavgiften är 900 kronor. Studieavgiften för Språk och språkvetenskap, Klassiska språk - Masterprogram är 250 000 SEK.